Disinfection Procedures recommended by usa-EPA

For people and vehicles entering or leaving contaminated premises…

presenting a risk of disease spread which demands constant attention. The
least expensive means of controlling and eliminating the risk of introducing virus and bacteria involves maintaining constant biosecurity programmes. These documented biosecurity measures and procedures must never be compromised by anyone, including the owners of premises.

KEYWORDS: Biosecurity – Disinfection – Sanitation – Wash/Clean.

History and extensive research have shown that disease-causing microbes can be
transmitted or introduced to new hosts in a variety of ways. People – with their clothes,
shoes, tools and machinery – constitute most often implicated means of spreading disease from one place/garden/gathering/institution/home/herd/flock or any Hub to another.

Prevention and reduction of spread of
Viruses, Bacteria, or Diseases are largely dependent on following Basic Principles:
a) Good Biosecurity
b) Decontamination
c) Disinfection
d) Sanitation.

Continuous surveillance programs ensure early disease detection for the rapid
elimination of fast_spreading microbes.

It is absolutely essential that an effective plan is prepared and implemented to ensure
safe entry to and exit from premises suspected of being contaminated.
The plan must include documentation of customized cleaning and disinfection
procedures for all personnel who enter and leave contaminated premises.

The emergency procedures should supplement routine biosecurity activities, to prevent
The spread of disease organisms to other premises.

  • It is suggested that all personnel entering contaminated and non-contaminated
    premises consider the passenger compartment of the vehicle as ‘clean’ and the cargo
    area (back of pickup, or trunk [boot] of car) as ‘contaminated’.
  • Before entering the property, change into biosecurity clothing. This includes
    freshly-laundered fabric coveralls or disposable coveralls. Use only rubber boots which
    have been cleaned, washed and properly disinfected. Use headgear covers and
    disinfected hardhats, as necessary. Wear short-sleeved undershirts (or roll sleeves above
    elbows) before putting on protective coveralls. If weather conditions permit, only
    undergarments (e.g. exercise shorts and undershirts) should be worn beneath coveralls.

Before returning to the vehicle, all collected laboratory specimens must be placed
in small plastic bags and sealed. All equipment, diagnostic kits, laboratory specimens
and other items must be placed in sealed plastic bags and immersed in disinfectant
solution (10)

  • Return to the vehicle with all equipment and other items which were brought onto
    the premises. Leave behind only disposable items which can be safely disposed of by the
    owner or In-charge of the premises.
  • Do not unbutton/unzip or remove protective clothing and boots until all items of
    equipment has been safely stowed in the vehicle.
  • Don’t enter vehicles until all biosecurity garments are removed.
  • After returning to the vehicle, remove surgical gloves and wash bare hands in
    disinfectant. Immerse plastic bags containing laboratory specimens in disinfectant
    solution for a second time, and then place these in another plastic bag for transportation
    to the laboratory. Place laboratory specimens in the ‘clean’ area of the vehicle. All other
    items should be placed in the ‘dirty’ area of the vehicle for disposal later (10).
  • Plastic bags containing contaminated items should be thoroughly sprayed or
    wetted with a disinfectant
    before being placed inside a second plastic bag (which has
    been safely stored in the vehicle during the visit to the contaminated premises).
  • Spray aerosol pesticide in the vehicle to kill any insects which may have entered
    the vehicle. Leave the insecticide to work for a few minutes. Spray vehicle tires and
    the underside of fender wells with
    disinfectant (7).
  • Before entering the ‘clean’ area of the vehicle, wash face (including nostrils and
    ears), hands, forearms and other exposed areas of the body at least twice, using an
    effective antiseptic soap and water. Antiseptic soaps have been shown to reduce
    microorganisms on the skin when used with water during pre-disinfection washing

Do not pour unused disinfectant solution on the ground or leave disinfectant
containers on the premises. Always dispose of all unused disinfectant and
containers in an approved manner.

  • All personnel leaving contaminated premises should bathe or shower immediately
    on returning to their residence. Hair, beards and fingernails should be thoroughly
    cleaned, washed and rinsed. The use of an effective antiseptic soap is recommended for
    bathing or showering (3). All underclothing worn during the visit to the contaminated
    premises should be laundered using a detergent or antiseptic soap

Laundry detergents containing phosphate or carbonate, and heavy-duty liquid cleaning
soaps, are effective in removing disinfectant residues and other materials from fabric coveralls and other items of clothing (6).

Caution should be exercised when using bleaches or ammoniac laundry additives, as
mixing these two types of additives has been known to produce toxic gases.

Many disease microorganisms, pesticides and disinfectants
are inactivated when exposed to direct sunlight.


Control of all movements (e.g. of equipment and personnel) must be given immediate
priority in the event of a disease outbreak. This also applies to the movements of feral
animals. For example, feral cats, wild skunks, rats, mice and other wildlife have all be
found to carry Salmonella enteritidis phage type 4 in their intestines (8).

In addition, domestic cats and dogs should be prevented from entering premises
where large concentrations of animals are maintained.

These suggested procedures will apply to premises where disease contamination has been confirmed or is suspected:

  • During a disease outbreak, all personnel and vehicles entering or leaving the
    contaminated premises should be considered potential carriers of disease.

On completion of a delivery or pickup, the vehicle should be required to return to
the storage point for complete cleaning (inside and outside) and disinfection (2).

  • Vehicle drivers should operate only sanitized vehicles and should wear clean
    boots, washable or disposable surgical headgear, and fabric or disposable coveralls or
    rubber rainsuits.
  • Flies and other insects should not be allowed to enter the vehicle at any time. Any
    insects or flies within the vehicle should be exterminated by using an approved aerosol
    insecticide before the driver re-enters the vehicle (5).
  • The route taken by vehicles entering or leaving the contaminated premises should
    minimize the chance of contamination of the vehicle by dust or manure.

Managers/In-charges of cleaning, washing, disinfection and sanitation operations should require all vehicle operators leaving or entering
premises which are known to be contaminated, to pressure-wash the underside of fender wells and vehicle frames.

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